
更新ご無沙汰しておりました。おとといから久しぶりに Yahoo! Japan でゲームを行い、これからまた少しずつチェスを楽しんでいきたいと思います。


a player vs hitsujyun 0-1
French: exchange variation (C01)

(別ウィンドウで表示されます。 > をクリックすると駒が動きます。PLAYをクリックすると自動で駒が動きます)

本日ICCでのゲーム、クイーンを奪われ最後まで不利な展開でしたが勝つことができました。ポーン強し! と言ったところでしょうか^^;

8月から唯一 Chess Corner でゲームを続けていた以外は、チェスの本も一切見ずにいたのでかなり忘れたことや、勘が鈍っていると思います。



kawanaka さんの投稿…
hitsujyun さんの投稿…
kawanaka さん


nivaldo さんのコメント…
Hello, I'm Nivaldo and I'm from Mozambique. If you can understand what I'm saying 嬉しいです. I was planning to speak with Japanese people only in Japanese but economical factors won't allow me to acquire Japanese completely in the next few years but please be sure that I can understand you FULLY in Japanese. Any questions about this, please go to: www.alljapaneseallthetime.com.

I would like to comment on this blog and probably give some insight/advice to the author and readers about chess. I'm not a master so I can be wrong some times but I'm close to being a master if only I spend more time studying positional chess so I think I could help in some basic or intermediate (not too advanced) chess problems.

Also, if you feel like language is a barrier, please feel free to translate my comments to Japanese.

If you would let me, I would be very pleased to comment on this blog.

I have so much to say, but I will stop right here as I know english is not OUR native language.

hitsujyun さんの投稿…
Hello, Nivaldo san. Thank you for visiting this blog and your comment. I can understand what you say. I can read in English, but My speaking and listening in English is not good. I'll welcome your comment:)
nivaldo さんのコメント…
Thank you for accepting me as one of your readers.

Please don't mind speaking in Japanese, I will understand you COMPLETELY unless you want to practice english. We are in the same linguistic situation, you can read english but speaking and listening is not very good and I can read Japanese but my speaking and listening is not very good either.

First of all I have two questions, if you don't mind.

1. I read on www.21thchess.com that chess is not so famous in Japan as it is in the rest of the world. Well, it's not popular in Mozambique either.
Are there any efforts being made to raise its popularity in Japan? Of course, it's not to overcome 碁 and 将棋 but at least to become as famous as they are.

2. What are your ambitions as a chess player(regular play, master play, grandmaster play) and what is your current level of play right now(beginner, intermediate, advanced)? I'm asking this so I can put my suggestions in accordance with your level and ambitions but of course I will also think about the other readers as well whenever I decide to comment.

Right now, I'm a little busy but as soon as there's time I'll focus on trying to indicate some light in your games and in general for the benefit of everyone reading this blog (including myself). This may also serve as an exercise to me for studying my own analytical skills. Well then, see you later.
hitsujyun さんの投稿…
Nivaldo san




Are there any efforts being made to raise its popularity in Japan?









Japan Chess Association

Behind the Scene


2.私はチェスを楽しみとして続けていきたいので、master を目指しているわけではありません。なぜ私が将棋ではなく、チェスをやるのかというと、インターネットを通じていろんな国の人達とチェスを楽しめるからです。Nivaldo さんのように日本人以外の人とも交流がもてるのはとてもうれしいことです

beginner と intermediate の中間あたりではないかと自分では思っています。


Yahoo! Japan → 1490
ICC → Blitz 1100. 15-minute 1416.

nivaldo さんのコメント…
> "早速のコメントありがとうございます。"
I forgot to say that I'll be able to comment every day and in fact I'm surprised to know that it was a fast reply because this is the speed in which I reply normally. Maybe this is because Mozambique being an underdeveloped country allows more time to relax than to "study" or "work"(what I call "unnecessary torture"). hitsujyunさん, have you ever gone to the site www.thevenusproject.com? If not, please give it a try, I think The Venus Project is the most logical alternative to the global problems the world faces today.
nivaldo さんのコメント…
I think you're partially correct but in my humble opinion there's also another reason that may be wrong. I think it also has to do with nationalism, and I really don't like nationalism although I was a nationalist in past times because it prevents or makes it more difficult to relate with people from other countries and cultures as is the case with chess and Japan. You see, I love Japan, not the super-highly-technological 東京 but the entire Japan, I like the culture and the language (written and spoken), in fact I like Japan since I was 5 when I saw the first 漢字 in my life although it was from a chinese name :-) but because of nationalism (not nations, they are just logical territories with flags like houses with surnames or numbers on their doors) and capitalism(being born without enough money to travel anywhere outside Mozambique, the bad luck!!!) I may never be able to go to Japan. Well, but let's go to happier subjects.
nivaldo さんのコメント…
Unfortunately, that's the reality in Japan and Mozambique. May I say that Japan and Mozambique are underdeveloped in chess? :-) although Japan's chess associations and clubs seem much more organized than my country's.
ところで, have you ever gone to the site "チェスの玉手箱" http://artmind.s148.xrea.com/lecture?
It's a great site for those who want to study chess almost without having to study english first :-)
nivaldo さんのコメント…
2.私はチェスを楽しみとして続けていきたいので、master を目指しているわけではありません。なぜ私が将棋ではなく、チェスをやるのかというと、インターネットを通じていろんな国の人達とチェスを楽しめるからです。Nivaldo さんのように日本人以外の人とも交流がもてるのはとてもうれしいことです"
Well, when I was starting chess I would also study only for fun, but as I started acquiring more skill, I decided to become a master. Unfortunately, in my country, there are no books of how to master or become better at chess. But then the internet came and I could download super-excellent books on the much difficult task of improving(上達) the play. If you allow me, I could give you the links(リンク) to the sites but ONLY if you allow me to post the links, I'll NEVER post them by force.

I also like to talk to people from other countries, that way I get different visions and concepts, talk to people other than those near me and create new bonds(絆). So,僕もうれしいです。
nivaldo さんのコメント…
beginner と intermediate の中間あたりではないかと自分では思っています。


Yahoo! Japan → 1490
ICC → Blitz 1100. 15-minute 1416.


I also don't have an official rating, so I compare myself with the ONLY FIDE masters my country has and see from their play that I'm not far from becoming a FIDE master too.

A little advice, if you want to improve your play greatly, now that you have experience with tactical play you should concentrate your efforts on studying much more positional chess(大局観指法 as in チェスの玉手箱) and only after you're good enough study its relation to tactical play. Do not be lost in tactics and combinations, because everybody knows them. What separates a master from the amateur, international master from the master and the grandmaster from the international master, is the positional judgement and skill.
Even if you don't become a master, you'll be better able to understand Grandmasters games and maybe even to criticise them.

Becoming a master is not difficult, probably it only requires time and normal effort. Botvinnik took many years to become a master because he was busy studying Electrical Engineering in the University.

I think that's all and this was a really big comment, but I think I said all I was worrying about and from now on I hope my comments will be a lot shorter as I don't want you or any other person to feel uncomfortable reading english when 漢字 and かな and some ローマ字 are what you most read.
hitsujyun さんの投稿…
nivaldo さん


"ところで, have you ever gone to the site "チェスの玉手箱" http://artmind.s148.xrea.com/lecture?"


"If you allow me, I could give you the links(リンク) to the sites but ONLY if you allow me to post the links, I'll NEVER post them by force. "


COHIBA さんのコメント…
以前お世話になっておりました。COHIBA390でございます。 諸事情で対局を途中で放棄してしまいもうしわけありませんでした。

hitsujyun さんの投稿…


よろしかったら Chess Corner でまた対局しましょう。早速対戦送りましたよ^^

最近では mixi アプリでもチェスの対戦ができるようになりましたよ。