Chess960 と 戦略 中心のサイト

Chess960's Strategy

Chess960 と戦略 を中心としたサイトです。校正がまだ終わってないため今後修正する箇所があったり、エンドゲーム ストラテジー の記事を追加予定ですが公開いたしました。


Chess960 はどういうことを考えれば良いのだろう?


サイト名は 「 Chess960 と戦略 」 の方がふさわしいですが、冴えないので
Chess960's Strategy としました^^;


Nivaldo Ventura さんのコメント…
hitsujyunさん, I don't know if you still remember me but it's me, Nivaldo. I'm sorry for having disappeared so suddenly and for so long. Suddenly, things were happening very quickly where I live and so I became very busy and on top of that I completely lost my old internet connection. Only recently I was able to get a reliable, fast connection but even this one is on a prepaid basis so I cannot guarantee stable communication. Since I live in a third world country, it's very difficult to get an internet connection (in fact, anything besides bread and tea is difficult for most people, and sometimes even that is difficult).

Also, as I said in my last post (not that I think you remember it, but anyway), I will not talk about The Venus Project ever again here. I realize now it was childish of me to mix such completely unrelated subjects. I will talk about chess and only chess. I would like very much to just have conversations with you about chess. I think what I want to say is I hope we can be chess friends.

By the way, I am now playing on regularly under the nickname NivaldoVentura. So, if you are interested, you can notify me there to become a friend. Of course, if you allow me, I will also post comments here whenever I can. Once again, I'm sorry for the sudden and long disappearance. I hope we can start again. よろしくお願いします。 Nivaldo Ventura
hitsujyun さんの投稿…
Nivaldo さん お久しぶりです、お元気ですか。コメントありがとうございます。日本語で大丈夫ですよね? 英語でコメントしていただいて私の方は大丈夫です。私の方は英文を書くのに時間がかかりますので問題なければ日本語でコメントさせていただきます。 で a friend のリクエストさせていただきますね。

最近は Chess960 のサイトを作るのに、すっかり時間とヤル気を使っていたため、CHESS 記 のブログではあまり記事を書いていませんが、気軽にコメントしてください。
Nivaldo Ventura さんのコメント…
"Nivaldo さん お久しぶりです、お元気ですか。"
hitsujyunさん I'm doing very well, thanks for asking.

Yes, like old (not so old 笑) times, you can keep writing in Japanese, I will understand everything. Besides, I also plan to start talking with you in Japanese in a not so far future. (笑)

" で a friend のリクエストさせていただきますね。"
Thank you for the friend request. Actually, I only noticed here that you sent me a friend request. 正直, I was not expecting it so quickly. Thank you again. The reason I didn't notice is that when I go to I fly right away to the live chess section to play blitz and don't pay much attention to messages or other background information. So, sorry for that.

"最近は Chess960 のサイトを作るのに、..."
また大変失礼したようですね。I did not notice that this post was actually about your Chess960 site. I was really in a hurry at the time. I didn't read all the main post there but it certainly looks nice. Once I have enough time I will definitely read it.
If you don't mind, I have just a small correction to point out in the main post of your Chess960 site. You wrote "Fischer Randam Chess" somewhere. Of course, it's not because you don't know that it is Fischer Random. My guess is that the katakana form ランダム overlapped somehow which is very understandable.

実は, right now I am busy enough with the classical form of chess. As you pointed out there, there is rather too much theory in chess and so in order to become a master, one has to study all that theory and on top of that create something of his own. It is difficult if you think about it that way. That's why I decided to just take a step at a time and analyze IN DETAIL only a few LINES of a specific opening per day and just enjoy that small portion. It is certainly more gratifying than memorizing a whole list of moves. Besides, some moves are just pointless and others which were considered pointless were actually implemented in the last World Championship match. (笑) So, I face chess more as an organic whole rather than a fixed list of instructions. It makes even the classical form much more enjoyable.

But, of course, you have to be of master class in order to have more perspective into the opening and be able to question opening moves. So, it is a little discouraging for lesser players (including me 笑).

By the way, hitsujyunさん, did you read the book "Excelling at Chess" by Jacob Aagaard? If you read the chapter one and the chapter "Real Chess Players", I feel you might find very enlightening information there. In summary, it states that Chess is about a deep understanding of how the pieces should coordinate. Anyway, I hope you read those chapters. I changed completely after reading them!

By the size of this comment, I think you can see that I'm completely absorbed by this game. It's that addictive! (笑)

Well, that's all for now.
Let me stop here before the comment becomes a full text! (笑)
And, of course, if you do appear on, we can always play a few blitz games! そのときはよろしくお願いします。
hitsujyun さんの投稿…

"Excelling at Chess" のオススメありがとうございます。amazon kindle の無料サンプルで chapter one and "Real Chess Players" の内容を見ることができました。


現在 "How Life Imitates Chess" by Garry Kasparov の本を読んでます。自己啓発本と思って今まで敬遠していましたが、中級者レベルのチェスプレイヤーにとって、かなりためになる内容です。
Nivaldo Ventura さんのコメント…
hitsujyun さんの投稿…
マスターを目指すとなると努力が必要になってきますね、頑張ってください! 日本語は十分意味が伝わっていますので大丈夫ですよ。漢字を使えるだけでもすごいです。
NivaldoVentura さんのコメント…




"Remembering the Kanji"という本で学びました。奇跡の本と言っていい程の本ですよ。なぜなら、わずか6っヶ月ですべての常用漢字を覚える事が出来るからです。それにSRSという種のソフトが加わればもっと楽に覚える事が出来ます! 詳細は、というブログをご覧でください。
